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The Presidential Preference Election (PPE)
What is a PPE?
A PPE is an election in which voters can choose the presidential candidate they want to nominate for the General Election.
When is the PPE?
AZ's Presidential Preference Election is March 17, 2020
The deadline to register to vote is February 18, 2020
Who can participate in the PPE?
This election, the Democratic Party is the only political party participating in the PPE.
Only voters registered as a Democrat by February 18, 2020 can cast a ballot in the PPE.
Voters not registered as a Democrat cannot vote in the PPE. Voters that want to change their party affiliation to participate in the PPE must do so by February 18, 2020.
What happens next?
National conventions are held where political party delegates select their party's official presidential candidate. That candidate is placed on the ballot for the General Election.
Arizona does not hold a primary for presidential candidates, only a PPE.
Voters cast their ballots for president on November 3, 2020