The People's Ledger
Home Qué hacemos The People's Ledger

What is The People's Ledger?

The Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission is proud to present The People's Ledger!. A ledger is usually a book or collection of financial records but for our purposes, it will house election related information. This ledger will contain articles that explore, summarize or explain relevant election topics and ways to become involved & engaged.

When is the next election?

Wondering when the next statewide or local election is taking place? The Citizens Clean Elections Commission (CCEC) has got you covered, check out our elections by date page to see who is participating in the next consolidated election date. This page is updated often and can help you stay apprised on what is going on in the world of elections!

Election By Date

Suscríbete a nuestro boletín & Mensajes de texto

Reciba correos electrónicos y mensajes de texto con la información más reciente sobre votantes y elecciones, recursos y educación para votantes para mantenerlo informado.


Su panel de votantes

Información para votantes localizada para usted.

Mi tablero