Location | Election Type | What's on the Ballot |
Countywide | Vote Center | View Statewide & Legislative Primary Candidates Maricopa County's What's On My Ballot Tool 2020 County General Election Guide Publicity Pamphlet |
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Countywide - Election Type
Vote Center - What's on the Ballot
View Statewide & Legislative Primary Candidates
Maricopa County's What's On My Ballot Tool
Important Dates
19 UOCAVA Ballots Mailed -
7 Early voting begins -
15 Voter registration deadline* -
23 Last day to request a ballot by mail -
27 Mail in your early ballot by -
30 Last day to vote early in person -
31 Emergency Early Voting -
1 Emergency Early Voting -
2 Emergency Early Voting -
3 Election Day
*The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the lower court's decision, with a 2-day grace period. The new deadline to register to vote for the November 3rd General Election is Thursday, October 15th at 11:59 p.m. (subject to further legal action).
What is the General Election on November 3rd?
The November 3 General Election is a regular election where voters determine who is elected to office (including the President), which statewide propositions will become law and which judges and justices will be retained. All registered voters can participate in the general election.
Voting in a general election is important because it allows voters to select the candidate they wish to represent them in office. Statewide offices have a term of four years, so the elected candidates will be in office until the year 2024. Legislative offices have a term of two years, so the elected candidates will be in office until the year 2022.
The general election allows voters the opportunity to decide whether judges and justices of the Arizona Supreme Court should be retained or replaced. Voters also have an opportunity to approve or reject laws proposed by the legislature and by voters themselves.
Ways to Vote
The Impact on Voting Due to COVID-19
The coronavirus has greatly impacted how communities are able to conduct many aspects of everyday life, from doing business to providing important services. Voting is crucial to our nation's electoral process and voters have options on how to cast their ballot. It's important to pick the option that works best for you.
If you prefer to vote in person, you can vote at an early voting location (typically less crowded than the polls on election day) or you can vote on Election Day. County elections officials are working hard to ensure personal protective equipment, sanitation supplies and social distancing are available at in-person voting locations. If you prefer to not go to the polls this year, voting by mail is an option that approximately 80% of Arizona voters utilize. It is safe, secure and verifiable. It's your vote, you choose how you want to cast it.
Ballots will be mailed to voters starting on October 7th. You can learn more about the security of voting by mail here, and you can request a ballot by mail by clicking the button below. Voters can return their early ballot by mail (postage is pre-paid) and the recommended mail back date is October 27th. Or you can drop it off at any voting location in your county (including early voting or election day) or at official ballot drop boxes. These locations can be found in our Voter Dashboard. All ballots must be RECEIVED by 7pm on Election Day.
Request a Ballot by MailVoting Early in Person:
Early voting locations will be available beginning on October 7th. Voters must show ID when voting in person. Click the Voter Dashboard button below to find early voting locations or click here to view the locations on Maricopa's website.
Voter DashboardVoting on Election Day:
Polls are open from 6am - 7pm and voters must show ID when voting on Election Day. Maricopa County will be utilizing Vote Centers for the November 3rd General Election! Voters registered in any precinct can vote at any Vote Center. Maricopa County will operate 90-100 vote centers across the county and you can visit any one. Click the button below to view all of Maricopa County's voting locations.
Maricopa County's Voting Locations
Voter Education Tools
- Voter Dashboard - Find your district, registration status, voting locations and more!
- Debates - Attend a virtual debate or watch online
- Mobile App - Voter Education at your fingertips
- Voter Education Guide - View statements & contact information from the candidates
- Candidate Compass - Which of Arizona's state and legislative candidates aligns with the issues you care about most?
Contact Information
County Recorder
Justin Heap
111 South Third Avenue, #103
Phoenix, AZ 85003
T.D.D. 602-506-2348
[email protected]
Go to Website
County Election Director
Rey Valenzuela & Scott Jarrett
111 South Third Avenue, #102
Phoenix, AZ 85003
T.D.D. 602-506-2348
[email protected]
Go to Website
Voting FAQ
1. When are the polls open?Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day. Don't forget your ID!
2. Can I vote early in the Primary?Absolutely. If you are registered with a political party and on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL), you will automatically receive a ballot in your mailbox beginning July 6, 2022. Voters not on AEVL may make a one-time early ballot request or sign up for the Active Early Voting List, by contacting their County Recorder's Office.
3. What if I have an emergency and can't vote on Election Day?Early voting is available through 5pm the Friday before Election Day. If a voter cannot vote during the early voting period, emergency voting is available beginning 5pm the Friday before Election Day through 5pm the Monday before Election Day. Voters must sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury that they have an emergency that prevents them from voting on Election Day (voters do not need to disclose what the emergency is).
4. Do I need ID to vote early?It depends. If you vote early by mail, ID is not required. Your signature on the early ballot affidavit is compared to your voter registration record by the County Recorder to determine if the signature is valid.
ID is required if you vote early in person, or at a polling place or voting center on Election Day. Use our "ID at the Polls" Quiz to determine if you have sufficient identification!
The Citizens Clean Elections Commission has mailed a Voter Education Guide to every household with a registered voter. The Guide contains statements, photos and contact information for candidates running for Statewide Office and the State Legislature. Voter Education Guides will be received in home before early voting begins.
6. How can military & overseas voters (UOCAVA) get a ballot?Military and Overseas voters have special voting rights under federal and state law (Uniformed & Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA)). These rights include the use of a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register to vote and request an early ballot as well as the use of a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB), which serves as an emergency back-up ballot. Learn More
7. Do I have to vote everything on my ballot?No, voters do not have to vote everything on their ballot. The votes they do cast will still be counted. However, we encourage voters to vote down the ballot as local races, propositions, judges, etc. can impact voters' daily lives.