How to Qualify for the Ballot
Home Run for Office How to Qualify for the Ballot

Qualifying for the Ballot

Candidates must qualify to have their name printed on the official ballot. The steps outlined below are specific to statewide and legislative candidates. Local candidates should contact their filing officer for the process.

Step 1. Create your campaign committee

Create a Statement of Organization electronically through the Secretary of State's Campaign Finance Reporting System. A Statement of Organization must be created within 10 days once an individual has received contributions or made expenditures totaling $1,300. The Commission recommends individuals who are considering running as a participating Clean Elections candidate file a Statement of Organization before:

  • Making any expenditures;
  • Accepting any contributions;
  • Distributing any campaign literature; or
  • Circulating any petitions

Step 2. Gather nomination petition signatures

Candidates are required to file nomination petitions that contain a minimum number of signatures from eligible voters. Each office requires a specific amount of signatures to qualify for the ballot. Official signature requirements are available on the Secretary of State's website and can be accessed below.

View the Legislative Signature Requirements

View the State Signature Requirements

Step 3. Filing your nomination paperwork

The filing period to qualify for the ballot is *March 7, 2026 through *April 06, 2026 at 5:00 p.m. During this time, candidates must file the following documents with the Secretary of State:

  • a nomination paper;
  • nomination petitions; and
  • a financial disclosure statement (relative to the candidate's personal wealth, not a campaign finance report).

*The dates above reflect the law as amended by SB1154.

Independent Candidates

Candidates that are running as an independent do not appear on the primary election ballot, they only appear on the general election ballot. Primary elections are for the purposes of nominating a political party nominee to proceed to the general election ballot.

Independent candidates are still required to file a nomination paper, nomination petitions and a financial disclosure statement during the filing period. Please refer to the Secretary of State's website for the appropriate forms and signature requirements for independent candidates.

Write-In Candidates

Write-in candidates do not have their name printed on the ballot. Write-in candidates must file a nomination paper and financial disclosure form during a separate filing period in order to have their name on the official write-in list, which is posted at every voting location. Votes will not be tallied for write-in candidates that have not filed the appropriate paperwork.

Please refer to the Secretary of State's website for the appropriate forms and filing periods for write-in candidates.

Helpful Links:

2026 Federal and Statewide Offices on the Ballot

  • U.S. Representative in Congress (elect 1 in each of the 9 Congressional Districts)
  • Governor
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Secretary of State
  • Attorney General
  • Treasurer
  • Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Mine Inspector
  • Corporation Commission (elect 2)
  • State Senator (elect 1)
  • State Representative (elect 2)

Click here to find out more about these offices!

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