Voters Without an Address Banner
Home Voting Voters Without an Address

I Do Not Have a Permanent Home. Can I Still Vote?

A person who does not reside at a fixed permanent or private structure shall be properly registered to vote if that person is qualified and if that person's registration address is any of the following places in the state:

  1. A homeless shelter to which the registrant regularly returns
  2. A temporary place for living that the individual is a resident of (halfway house, transitional housing, etc.)
  3. The county courthouse in the county in which the resident resides
  4. A general delivery address for a post office covering the location where the registrant is a resident

A person who is otherwise qualified to vote shall NOT be refused registration or declared not qualified to vote because the person does not live in a permanent, private or fixed structure.

Note: Due to a recent law change homeless veterans are now able to access a free ID from the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD). A.R.S. § 28-3002 (14.B) reads "The fees established pursuant to this section do not apply to a veteran who does not have a residence address or whose residence address is the address of a shelter that provides services to the homeless. For the purposes of this subsection, "veteran" has the same meaning prescribed in section 41-601."

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Am I Qualified to Register to Vote?

Every person living in the state of Arizona is qualified to vote if the individual:

  • Is a citizen of the U.S.
    • Must prove citizenship to vote in AZ elections
  • Will be 18 years of age or older on or before the date of the general election
  • Has lived in the state for at least 29 days before the next election
  • Is able to write his/her name or make a mark, unless prevented by a disability
  • Has not been convicted of treason or a felony, unless the individual's civil rights are restored
    • Any person who has not been convicted of any other felony will be able to vote again as long as their term of probation is served or they are completely discharged from imprisonment and any restitution or fines are paid
    • Any person with multiple felonies must apply to have their civil rights restored by a judge
  • Has not been legally declared an incapacitated person

How to Register to Vote?

The voter registration deadline for any election is 29 days prior. Voters can register online or via a paper form. To register online an Arizona driver license or non-operating ID is required. Visit (link to service az) and click on "Voter Registration". Public computer terminals are available at county recorder offices and most libraries.

Paper voter registration forms can be found at county recorder offices and public assistance agencies, such as the Department of Economic Security. Please refer to the to the voter registration form for instructions on how to complete the form.

Download State Voter Registration Form*
Download Federal Voter Registration Form*

*What's the difference? The state voter registration form requires proof of citizenship so you may vote in federal, state and local elections. The federal voter registration form does not require proof of citizenship; however, you may only vote in federal elections (President, U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives). The Service Arizona application utilizes the state form and citizenship is verified through your MVD record.

How to Get My Ballot?

Early Voting:

Early voting for any given election starts 27 days prior to election day. Voters that are on the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL), have requested a one-time early ballot or reside in a ballot by mail jurisdiction will receive their ballot in the mail shortly affter the start of early voting, The ballot will be mailed to the address provided on your voter registration form (see items 1-4 in the "Can I Still Vote" section).

Voters may also vote in person at designated early voting locations. Early ballots must be received no later than 7 PM on election day!

Election Day Voting:

Polling Place
If your county of residence utilizes polling places, voters must go to their assigned polling place for their specific precinct.
Vote Centers

If your county of residence utilizes vote centers, voters may go to any vote center location within your county.

Polls are open from 6 AM to 7 PM on election day. Identification is required to vote at the polls. Please take a look at our ID at the Polls quiz for more information on what ID is acceptable.

When Do I Update My Registration?

Anytime a registrant moves (refer to the "Can I Still Vote" section for acceptable addresses), changes their name or changes their party affiliation they are required to re-register to vote.

Additional Assistance.

For more information on legal rights and agencies that service voters without a permanent residence, such as shelters and clinics, please contact the ACDL.

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5025 E. Washington Street, Ste. 202
Phoenix, Arizona 85034-7439
Phone: (602) 274-6287

177 N. Church Avenue, Ste. 800
Tucson, Arizona 85701-1119
Phone: (520) 327-9547 or

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