State Primary - Santa Cruz
Home Voting July 15, 2025 Special Primary Election July 15, 2025 Special Primary - Santa Cruz

July 15, 2025 - CD 7 Special Primary Election

LocationElection TypeWhat's on the Ballot
Santa CruzVote CenterCD7 Candidates

Important Dates

  • May
    31UOCAVA Voting Begins
  • June
    16Voter Registration Deadline
  • June
    18Early Voting Begins
  • July
    3Last Day to Request Ballot By Mail
  • July
    8Mail Back Early Ballot
  • July
    11Last Day to Vote Early In-Person
  • July
    15Election Day

What is the Special Election on July 15th and why is it important?

On March 13, 2025, longtime Arizona Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva passed away. Congressman Grijalva (DEM) was elected at the 2024 general election to serve Arizona’s 7th congressional district for a term of two years.

Arizona Revised Statutes § 16-222 requires a special election be held to fill the vacancy. Governor Hobbs issued a call for special primary election, to be held on Jul 15, 2025 and a special general election, to be held on Sep 23, 2025. The candidate that wins the general election will fill the CD7 seat for the remainder of the term (expires January 2027).

CD7 comprises the following counties: Cochise, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, and Yuma. Voters can verify their congressional district here.

Governor's Proclamation Congressional District 7 Map

Candidate Information


Candidates can file for placement on the ballot with the Secretary of State’s Office. Click here for filing instructions and signature requirements.


Candidates that qualify for the ballot can create a profile on the Clean Elections website in our Candidate Portal.


Clean Elections, Arizona’s official debate sponsor, will host a debate for eligible candidates prior to the special primary and special general election. Details are forthcoming.

Ways to Vote

Early Voting

Early voting begins on June 18th, 2024. Voters are able to vote by mail or visit an early voting location. The Santa Cruz County Recorder's Office will be serving as an early voting site and is located at 2150 N. Congress Dr., Nogales, AZ. Contact your county recorder, contact information below, to request a ballot by mail. For more voting options please utilize our Voter Dashboard.

Early Voting Locations Ballot Count Livestream

Voting on Election Day

Santa Cruz County utilizes vote centers. Vote Centers are voting locations available on Election Day in certain counties. Vote Centers are different than polling places in that any eligible voter can visit a vote center in their county and receive and cast their ballot. Click the button below to view Santa Cruz County's vote center locations.

Voting Locations


Contact Information

County Recorder
Anita Moreno
2150 North Congress Drive, Ste. 101
Nogales, AZ 85621
TDD: 7-1-1
[email protected]

Go to Website

County Election Director
Alma Schultz
2150 North Congress Drive, Suite 119
Nogales, AZ 85621
T.D.D. 520-375-7934
[email protected]

Go to Website

Voting FAQ

1. When are the polls open?
Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day. Don't forget your ID!
2. Can I vote early?
Absolutely. For the all mail elections voters will automatically receive a ballot in your mailbox beginning 27 days before the election. If you are living in an area not participating in an all mail election voters on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) will receive ballots automatically. Voters not on AEVL may also make a one-time early ballot request or visit a replacement or voting location.
3. What if I have an emergency and can't vote on Election Day?
If a voter cannot vote during the early voting period, emergency voting is available beginning 5pm the Friday before Election Day through 5pm the Monday before Election Day. Voters must sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury that they have an emergency that prevents them from voting on Election Day (voters do not need to disclose what the emergency is).
4. Do I need ID to vote early?
If you vote early by mail, ID is not required. Your signature on the early ballot affidavit is compared to your voter registration record by the County Recorder to determine if the signature is valid.

ID is required if you vote early in person, or at a polling place or voting center on Election Day.
List of Acceptable Identification
5. How can military & overseas voters (UOCAVA) get a ballot?
Military and Overseas voters have special voting rights under federal and state law (Uniformed & Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA)). These rights include the use of a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register to vote and request an early ballot as well as the use of a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB), which serves as an emergency back-up ballot. Learn More
6. Do I have to vote everything on my ballot?
No, voters do not have to vote everything on their ballot. The votes they do cast will still be counted. However, we encourage voters to vote down the ballot as local races, propositions, judges, etc. can impact voters' daily lives.

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