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Countywide | Polling Place | View Statewide & Legislative Primary Candidates Mohave County's 2020 Candidates 2020 County Primary Election Guide |
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Polling Place - What's on the Ballot
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Mohave County's 2020 Candidates
Important Dates
20 UOCAVA Ballots Mailed -
6 Voter registration deadline -
8 Early voting begins -
24 Last day to request a ballot by mail* -
29 Mail in your early ballot by -
31 Last day to vote early in person -
4 Election Day**
*Important Date for Independent (No Party) Voters. Independent voters must choose which ballot they want to vote. If voting Democratic or Republican, you won't need to re-register. If voting by mail, voters must contact their County Recorder by July 24th to specify which ballot they would like to receive (even if a voter is on the Permanent Early Voting List). Otherwise, the County Recorder won't know which ballot to send and one will not be mailed. If voting in person, a voter would ask the election worker for the ballot of their choice. The last day to vote early is July 31st!
**The dates above reflect the law as amended by SB1154, which changed the primary election date.
What is the Primary Election on August 4th?
Each recognized political party holds a primary election to nominate candidates. The candidates that win the nomination in the primary election advance to the general election. Arizona has an open primary which allows voters registered as “independent” to participate by designating to their County Recorder which ballot they would like to receive.
Independent Voters
Arizona has an open primary, which means all registered voters can participate in the August 4th Primary Election, including independents. Independents on the Permanent Early Voting List must tell their County Recorder which party ballot to send them by July 24th if they wish to vote by mail. Or, independent voters can visit a voting location in person and tell the poll worker which ballot they would like to vote. Local, non-partisan ballots may be available, please check with your County Recorder's Office. For more information, see the FAQ's below.
Ways to Vote
The Impact on Voting Due to COVID-19
The coronavirus has greatly impacted how communities are able to conduct many aspects of everyday life, from doing business to providing important services. Voting is crucial to our nation's electoral process and voters have options on how to cast their ballot. It's important to pick the option that works best for you.
If you prefer to vote in person, you can vote at an early voting location (typically less crowded than the polls on election day) or you can vote on Election Day. County elections officials are working hard to ensure personal protective equipment, sanitation supplies and social distancing are available at in-person voting locations. If you prefer to not go to the polls this year, voting by mail is an option that approximately 80% of Arizona voters utilize. It is safe, secure and verifiable. It's your vote, you choose how you want to cast it.
Ballots will be mailed to voters starting on July 8th. You can learn more about the security of voting by mail here, and you can request a ballot by mail by clicking the button below. Voters can return their early ballot by mail (postage is pre-paid) and the recommended mail back date is July 29th. Or you can drop it off at any voting location in your county (including early voting or election day) or at official ballot drop boxes. These locations can be found in our Voter Dashboard. All ballots must be RECEIVED by 7pm on Election Day.
Request a Ballot by MailVoting Early in Person:
Early voting locations will be available beginning on July 8th. Voters must show ID when voting in person. The Kathryn Heidenreich Adult Center will be serving as an early voting site and is located at 1776 Airway Ave #B, Kingman, AZ 86409 (open Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM). Other early voting sites may be available. Click the Voter Dashboard button below to find early voting locations.
Voter DashboardVoting on Election Day:
Polls are open from 6am - 7pm and voters must show ID when voting on Election Day. Mohave County utilizes polling places. Counties that utilize polling places provide a polling place in each voting precinct, and every voter in that specific precinct must go to their assigned polling place on Election Day in order to receive their official ballot. Click the button below to view Mohave County's polling locations!
Mohave County's Polling Locations
Voter Education Tools
- Voter Dashboard - Find your district, registration status, voting locations and more!
- Debates - Attend a virtual debate or watch online
- Mobile App - Voter Education at your fingertips
- Voter Education Guide - View statements & contact information from the candidates
- Candidate Compass - Which of Arizona's state and legislative candidates aligns with the issues you care about most?
Contact Information
County Recorder
Lydia Durst
700 West Beale Street
Kingman, AZ 86401
T.D.D. 928-753-0769
Go to Website
County Election Director
Allen Tempert
700 West Beale Street
Kingman, AZ 86401
T.D.D. 928-753-0769
Go to Website
Voting FAQ
1. When are the polls open?Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day. Don't forget your ID!
2. Can I vote early in the Primary?Absolutely. If you are registered with a political party and on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL), you will automatically receive a ballot in your mailbox beginning July 6, 2022. Voters not on AEVL may make a one-time early ballot request or sign up for the Active Early Voting List, by contacting their County Recorder's Office.
3. What if I have an emergency and can't vote on Election Day?Early voting is available through 5pm the Friday before Election Day. If a voter cannot vote during the early voting period, emergency voting is available beginning 5pm the Friday before Election Day through 5pm the Monday before Election Day. Voters must sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury that they have an emergency that prevents them from voting on Election Day (voters do not need to disclose what the emergency is).
4. Do I need ID to vote early?It depends. If you vote early by mail, ID is not required. Your signature on the early ballot affidavit is compared to your voter registration record by the County Recorder to determine if the signature is valid.
ID is required if you vote early in person, or at a polling place or voting center on Election Day. Use our "ID at the Polls" Quiz to determine if you have sufficient identification!
The Citizens Clean Elections Commission has mailed a Voter Education Guide to every household with a registered voter. The Guide contains statements, photos and contact information for candidates running for Statewide Office and the State Legislature. Voter Education Guides will be received in home before early voting begins.
6. How can military & overseas voters (UOCAVA) get a ballot?Military and Overseas voters have special voting rights under federal and state law (Uniformed & Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA)). These rights include the use of a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register to vote and request an early ballot as well as the use of a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB), which serves as an emergency back-up ballot. Learn More
7. Do I have to vote everything on my ballot?No, voters do not have to vote everything on their ballot. The votes they do cast will still be counted. However, we encourage voters to vote down the ballot as local races, propositions, judges, etc. can impact voters' daily lives.